Know what’s great about having your own swimming pool? Other than a LOT of things? It’s not only a great place for fun, it’s a great place to get and stay in shape! The pool contractors from SwimRight Pool Service & Repair in Scottsdale, AZ...
In many areas of the country, Labor Day means the end of summer and that the kids are going back to school. In Arizona, though, our summer will go on for a couple more months — for some pool owners, it never ends! If you’re wondering how to host a great...
Germs. They’re everywhere! From the door handle, you touch at the grocery store to the hand you shake at a meeting to the water in which you swim in the backyard pool! Is your pool water protected from germs? It’s probably not something you think about...
It is not easy to keep swimming pool water clean and clear — especially if you’re a DIY pool maintenance person. It’s a delicate balancing act to keep the water chemistry in line — that is why many pool owners work with a swimming pool service...
Should you get a natural swimming pool? The answer isn’t as easy as “yes because I don’t want to swim in chemicals.” The swimming pool service contractors from SwimRight Pool Service & Repair in Scottsdale, AZ explain natural pools are...