Living in Arizona means you almost need a swimming pool in order to surve the triple digit temperatures! If you’re thinking of getting a swimming pool this year, you need to not only find a way to finance it, but you need to consider the costs of ongoing pool maintenance and increases in your home utility bills. You also need to know how to pay for a swimming pool without breaking the bank.
Investing in a swimming pool and working working with swimming pool service contractor from SwimRight Pool Service & Spa repair for ongoing maintenance and pool upkeep once it’s built. Some potential pool owners in Scottsdale, Arizona have been saving for their pool, others will be seeking financing for theirs. No matter which option you choose know that a swimming pool will add to the resale value of your home. Financing it might just be easier than you’d imagined.
How to pay for a swimming pool
- Know how much you can afford in monthly payments after you’ve factored in ongoing maintenance and utility increases then talk with the loan officer at the bank you typically do your business. It’s easier to get a loan through a back you have history with.
- Consider a home equity loan to finance the pool.
- Take out a home improvement loan. Many mortgage lenders consider an inground pool an improvement to the home – one that adds to resale value. Home improvement loans may have a lower interest rate.
- Ask your pool builder for advice on financing.
Have your budget in mind before you meet with a potential swimming pool contractor. You don’t want to be “pool poor” once the project is done. Your swimming pool will be something you and your family enjoy for decades and you want to get the pool of your dreams but make certain you stay within your budget. Remember, you can do a pool upgrade and update later to include those items you didn’t have the money for in the original project.