SwimRight Pool service contractors, serving Scottsdale, AZ, offer 5 pool ready tips

Summer is in full swing, and Arizona has already experienced some triple digit days. The pool service contractors from SwimRight Pools understand that you and your family are likely in the water as often as possible — day and night. If you’ve been swimming and have had your pool serviced already, you are already in summer-pool-ready mode, but here are a few things to keep in mind throughout the summer.

These are items you will want to discuss with your pool contractor if you’re uncertain whether any of these pool

 Keep your swimming pool summer ready

issues are an issue at your home:

  1. Keep the deck clean. A swimming pool deck that isn’t cleaned regularly will be full of dust, dirt and debris and when the monsoon winds and rain kick in all of that debris can be blown into the pool. Make time to clean the deck at least monthly.
  2. Keep the pool cover clean. The cover should ideally be cleaned at least weekly. Take time to hose it off and clean it with a swimming pool safe pool cleaner.
  3. Keep the pool viable. Your pool contractor will inspect your swimming pool for any leaks in the structure or the plumbing when he pays a service visit, but you will want to keep an eye on the pool area for any suspicious puddles around the pool or on the pad or deck.
  4. Keep the pool water clean and the chemicals balanced. If you’re working with a swimming pool service professional your pool is already being maintained and the chemicals balanced, but if you’re doing it on your own, keep in mind that the chemical levels should be checked at least three times a week; ask your pool contractor to be certain. Even if you work with a pool contractor, he will advise that you check the chemical balances between service visits. You will also want to skim off any debris before it falls to the pool floor or gets into the filter. Diligent use of the pool cover will help
  5. Plan to refill the water semi-regularly. While you don’t want or need to drain and refill your swimming pool with any regularity, there will come a time when you will simply want fresh water.

The next time your pool contractor visits, you will want to spend a few minutes talking with him so you understand the “state of your pool.”

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