Arizona is a wonderful place to live… well, until it isn’t and swimming pool serice contractors from SwimRight Pool Service And Repair know that for a swimming pool owner, monsoon season and haboobs are those tiems when living in Arizona isn’t quite so wonderful. When you live in Arizona, though you take the good — more than 300 days of sunlight with the not so good — monsoon season. During monsoon season you will be faced wtih monsoon pool clean up tasks, some of which may require working with a pool contractor.
A monsoon can bring with it sandstorms and heavy rains that are hitting and impacting Scottsdale, Arizona. Swimming pool owners can be faced wtih costly pool clean up especially if you don’t use a cover or if the cover gets blown off and dust and dirt settles into the bottom of the pool. The massive amounts of rainfall that come with the duststorms can overfill the pool and will lead to the pool chemicals getting out of balance.
Monsoon pool clean up
IOnce the storm has passed, you don’t want to dash out and start cleaning the pool water. The dust that’s settled on the pool floor can have other, larger pieces of debris that you can’t see and vacuuming up too much dirt and sand will clog and potentially damage the pool filter and vacuum. Vacuuming the swimming pool may be the first thought that jumps into your mind, but this may not thoroughly clean the pool. Vacuuming up, potentially inches, of dirt and mud can put a severe strain on your filter and pump system.
Using the vacuum and sucking up the dirt means you will be depositing it into the pool filter and this will increase the filter pressure and that could cause the filter to split — a very costly repair. In many cases, it’s best to leave your swimming pool monsoon clean up tasks to a professional. Be aware though that if you’re calling pool contractors for assistance, they will be busy with their own customers first and you may be on a waiting list.
Protect your pool
Continual use of your swimming pool cover can help protect your pool during monsoon season. Check, once the storm has passed, that the dust hasn’t become so heavy on the cover that it damages the moorings or that it has collapsed into the pool. Begin clean up as soon as it’s safe by using a shop vac to remove as much dust from the cover as possible and by removing any items that have been blown onto the cover or into the pool if you didn’t have time to get the cover on.