Tips for protecting your pool during an Arizona monsoon

Living in Arizona means you will deal with triple digit temperatures during the summer, sunny days almost year round, and the dreaded monsoon season. During monsoon season, you’re faced with dust storms, rain fall and the potential for damaging winds. This makes for unsafe driving, the potential for leaking roofs, but also potential for damage to your swimming pool. July and August bring with them the annual monsoon season. There is usually ample warning that a storm is brewing, but if you’re not at home, you don’t have the luxury of preparing your swimming pool for the storm.

If you’re not at home and your pool is left unprotected, how will a monsoon impact your swimming pool? The swimming pool service contractors from SwimRight Pools say there is a potential for costly after monsoon and dust storm clean up if your pool hasn’t been prepared.

What could happen?

  • Rain will throw your pool chemicals off balance
  • The pool could overflow if the rain is heavy
  • monsoon swimming pool Dirt and dust and debris could clog up the filter and settle to the bottom
  • Your pool furniture could blow into the pool and could potentially cause rips, tears or cracks in the pool walls and floor

Dashing out and starting pool clean up once the storm has passed may be a great idea, but it just might take more than that. Why? Because the dirt, sand and dust will quickly settle to the bottom of your pool. This can clog the vacuum and damage the pool filter. Cleaning up the biggest debris cannot hurt and cleaning the skimmer basket frequently is a must.

Vacuuming the pool might be the first thought you have and this may cause more harm than good, according to Arizona pool service professionals. Your vacuum may not be able to handle the amount of dirt and debris dumped into the pool from the storm.  Vacuuming up inches of dirt turned to mud will strain the filter and pump.

Even if you care for your pool on your own, if you’re not accustomed to post monsoon clean up, you may want to work with a swimming pool service professional.  The cost for this service could save you hundreds or even thousands in repairs.

Diligent use of a swimming pool cover is recommended, especially during monsoon season. Once the storm has passed clear water and dirt off the pool cover as soon as possible.

Pool contractors will be busy following a monsoon and you may need to wait to get on their schedule, especially if you aren’t a regular customer.

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